Based on my personal experience with clients, there are THREE (3) major concern they have when writing their Thesis or Dissertation. First, they are required to place Formulas of the Statistics they used in their paper. Second, for them to reflect the sources (books, articles, websites, etc.) where they have copied these formulas. Finally, the kind of statistics to use on the kind of data and problem they have.

This blog site is an effort to meet these issues and build a database of blogs that would eventually contain a comprehensive RESOURCES that Thesis and Dissertation students can use.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Slovin's Formula

            Most commonly used formula to determine minimum allowable sample size from a bigger population. The formula take into consideration 3 important elements of minimum acceptable PRECISION, allowable ERROR, and the total number of POPULATION. The formula is very straight forward and easy to compute. Here is the formula:

n      =           N          
                         (1+ Ne2)


          n        -        Sample size

          1        -        Constant

          N       -        Total population

          e        -        Error tolerance

  • Citation (Source):*here is the book where the formula can be found, most thesis and dissertation requires a citation for formulas used so you can simple use this book reference as your citation (in APA citation format)
                Galero-Tejero, E. (2011). A Simplified Approach to Thesis and Dissertation Writing (pp. 43-44). Mandaluyong City: National Book Store.  

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